About RET
In 2010 the Renewable Energy Team (RET) was established, replacing the Shadow Guernsey Renewable Energy Commission (itself formed in 2008), tasked with enabling marine renewable energy development within Guernsey waters.
The RET is part of the Renewable Energy section which reports to the Committee for the Environment and Infrastructure within the States of Guernsey.
Again in 2010, the States of Guernsey approved the Renewable Energy (Guernsey) Law 2010 for submission to the Privy Council for Royal Assent.
In 2015, secondary legislation concerning licensing was approved by the States in the Renewable Energy (Guernsey) Ordinance 2015.
RET continues to focus on maintaining momentum to develop the appropriate policies and processes to create the right legislative and commercial environments to take the programme forward.
The key objectives for RET are:
- Prepare an initial Environmental Assessment - this strategic study will establish the likely environmental impacts associated with the deployment of Marine Renewable Energy devices in the seas around Guernsey. The Regional Environmental Assessment was completed in 2011 and was extended to offshore wind in 2012. This has been out for public consultation and version 1 is available to download. We would still appreciate any feedback that you may have.
- Develop a Consenting regime - to control and permit the deployment and operation of devices and associated works such as cabling and shore connections.
- Develop Policy - We are aware that the introduction of renewable energy has the potential to impact, on numerous other aspects of life on Guernsey. We are working closely with the other Channel Islands and the relevant departments within the States to ensure that Renewable Energy is smoothly integrated into our way of life.
- Attract Developers - With the potential to establish a very powerful energy resource, located so close to our shores, we hope to attract responsible energy developers to Guernsey who will want to generate energy for domestic sales or export to Europe. We will work to ensure that we get the best deal for Guernsey in benefiting our environment, reducing our carbon emissions, and in terms of the commercial arrangements.
RET has updated its published strategic plan which sets out a long term vision and strategy for marine macro renewable energy (offshore wind, wave and tidal power) in Guernsey. The document shows what levels of local marine renewable power we may hope to see by the end of this decade, as well as what other positive impact renewable energy may have in Guernsey. In addition, RET clearly sets out the route map and the local and industry conditions and information which are required to ensure that Guernsey can take full advantage of local renewable energy.
Latest News
- 04/08/2017 - LiDAR and power unit to be deployed at Chouet
- 18/05/2017 - RET Publish Offshore Wind Feasibility Report
- 01/04/17 - RET releases 2017 strategy and review of 2016
- 01/08/2016 - Congratulations to Bouke Wiersma on completion of his Public Engagement PhD in Guernsey
- 21/07/2016 - Working with Universities – Update
- 01/05/2016 - Renewable energy work under new Committee
- 19/04/2016 - RET open Day at Beau Sejour
- Commerce and Employment Renewable Energy Team to undertake Open Day and associated Poster Display
- 01/01/16 - RET releases 2016 strategy and review of 2015
- 23/11/15 - Consultants Appointed for Offshore Wind Work
- November 12th & 13th - University of Exeter Festival of Social Science: Visualising public engagement with marine renewable energies
- 30/10/15 - Renewable Energy Legislation Passed
- 14/10/15 CIMREG Officers Meeting Held in Guernsey
- 08/09/2015 - Commerce and Employment and Guernsey Electricity Limited continue feasibility work into local offshore wind energy project
- 01/08/2015 - RET Continue to Work with Universities
- 30/06/2015 - Results from Island Wide Survey on Offshore Renewable Energy Shows Strong Support for Renewables
- 18/06/2015 - RET release renewable energy ordinance response document
- 20/05/2015 - Thetis EMR conference
- 21/04/2015 - Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group Political Summit
- 28/01/2015 - Public Engagement PhD - Guernsey Opinion Survey: Renewable Energy