Guernsey is keen to forge strong links with other regions and as such has been working closely with both the UK and with France. We have recently started to formalise these working arrangements and below are the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) signed with various partners. They outline how Guernsey and the region will work together going forward and look to further our on-going relationships.These arrangement look to build upon the strengths we have as the Channel Islands as a whole and so are signed under the CIMREG banner, but by each island individually.
Framework for Cooperation with ONEM (English)
Framework for Cooperation with ONEM (French)
In the 10th April 2014 at the THETIS conference in Cherbourg an FFC was signed with Ouest Normandie Energies Marines, with whom RET and CIMREG have been working over the past couple of years.
In January 2014 an MOU was signed with the South West Marine Energy Park, with whom RET and CIMREG have been working since SWMEPs inception.
Latest News
- 04/08/2017 - LiDAR and power unit to be deployed at Chouet
- 18/05/2017 - RET Publish Offshore Wind Feasibility Report
- 01/04/17 - RET releases 2017 strategy and review of 2016
- 01/08/2016 - Congratulations to Bouke Wiersma on completion of his Public Engagement PhD in Guernsey
- 21/07/2016 - Working with Universities – Update
- 01/05/2016 - Renewable energy work under new Committee
- 19/04/2016 - RET open Day at Beau Sejour
- Commerce and Employment Renewable Energy Team to undertake Open Day and associated Poster Display
- 01/01/16 - RET releases 2016 strategy and review of 2015
- 23/11/15 - Consultants Appointed for Offshore Wind Work
- November 12th & 13th - University of Exeter Festival of Social Science: Visualising public engagement with marine renewable energies
- 30/10/15 - Renewable Energy Legislation Passed
- 14/10/15 CIMREG Officers Meeting Held in Guernsey
- 08/09/2015 - Commerce and Employment and Guernsey Electricity Limited continue feasibility work into local offshore wind energy project
- 01/08/2015 - RET Continue to Work with Universities
- 30/06/2015 - Results from Island Wide Survey on Offshore Renewable Energy Shows Strong Support for Renewables
- 18/06/2015 - RET release renewable energy ordinance response document
- 20/05/2015 - Thetis EMR conference
- 21/04/2015 - Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group Political Summit
- 28/01/2015 - Public Engagement PhD - Guernsey Opinion Survey: Renewable Energy