Working with Universities
RET is working closely with a selection of English Universities to continue and extend the work into researching of Guernsey's resource and potential to utilise marine renewables.Please Note:
The following documents have been produced by students at various Universities working in partnership with the Renewable Energy Team. As such, while the studies are endorsed by RET and were undertaken in conjunction with RET, they are independent documents and so there may be views expressed and conclusions drawn that are not shared by RET. There may also be some factual inaccuracies within the report, and whilst we appreciate them being brought to our attention, we are unable to alter them.
Offshore wind reasource assessment for Guernsey - Thomas Newitt - University of Exeter (2MB)
Guernsey Offshore wind - A Data Acquisition Strategy
Public acceptability of offshore wind and tidal energy in Guernsey - Study 3 report
The final study of Bouke Wiersma's PhD was a quantitative questionnaire survey of almost 500 individuals across Guernsey, with a focus on obtaining a representative sample.
Summary of public acceptability study 3 results
The key findings and conclusions are summarised.Public Engagement with Offshore Renewable Energy - Study 2 summary
Bouke has completed Study 1 of 3 of his PhD. This study involved 22 individuals from the Islands and looked at views around marine energy.Public Engagement with Offshore Renewable Energy - Study 1 summary
Bouke has completed Study 1 of 3 of his PhD. This study involved 28 individuals from the Islands and looked at what they value around the Guernsey coast.Puiblic engagement with offshore renewable energy - A critical review - Bouke Wiersma PhD
As part of Bouke's PhD, some work was published in the journal "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change"
Exeter Field report 2013 - part 1
Exeter Field Report 2013 - Part 2
Following their visit in May 2013 Exeter University produced a "consultancy" report. Due to the file size it is in two parts.
Following the Plymouth University field week in December 2012, the students carried out an assessment of marine renewable energy for Guernsey to suggest a short and medium term strategic plan for Guernsey. The findings are the views of the Students of Plymouth University and are not necessarily representative of RETs position
The University of Exeter had a field week in Guernsey (see here) in May and two students of the 24 were invited back to present their findings at two public meetings in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the CIGPE. The above are the slides that the Students presented to. The full report will follow on this webpage shortly.
Following the Exeter field week in May 2012, the students carried out an assessment of marine renewable energy for Guernsey which focuses on the strategic implementation of wind, wave and tidal energy and to assist in developing a management strategy for Guernsey. The findings are the views of the Students of Exeter University and are not necessarily representative of RETs position.
Latest News
- 04/08/2017 - LiDAR and power unit to be deployed at Chouet
- 18/05/2017 - RET Publish Offshore Wind Feasibility Report
- 01/04/17 - RET releases 2017 strategy and review of 2016
- 01/08/2016 - Congratulations to Bouke Wiersma on completion of his Public Engagement PhD in Guernsey
- 21/07/2016 - Working with Universities – Update
- 01/05/2016 - Renewable energy work under new Committee
- 19/04/2016 - RET open Day at Beau Sejour
- Commerce and Employment Renewable Energy Team to undertake Open Day and associated Poster Display
- 01/01/16 - RET releases 2016 strategy and review of 2015
- 23/11/15 - Consultants Appointed for Offshore Wind Work
- November 12th & 13th - University of Exeter Festival of Social Science: Visualising public engagement with marine renewable energies
- 30/10/15 - Renewable Energy Legislation Passed
- 14/10/15 CIMREG Officers Meeting Held in Guernsey
- 08/09/2015 - Commerce and Employment and Guernsey Electricity Limited continue feasibility work into local offshore wind energy project
- 01/08/2015 - RET Continue to Work with Universities
- 30/06/2015 - Results from Island Wide Survey on Offshore Renewable Energy Shows Strong Support for Renewables
- 18/06/2015 - RET release renewable energy ordinance response document
- 20/05/2015 - Thetis EMR conference
- 21/04/2015 - Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group Political Summit
- 28/01/2015 - Public Engagement PhD - Guernsey Opinion Survey: Renewable Energy